Monday, May 12, 2014

Helllloooooo one and all!: May 12

 First off, Skyping my family was SOOOOO GREAT and I'm feeling a little homesick but it's all good because I've got my delish fresh baked bread and nusco duo to comfort me.
Meu sono foi relizado!!!!! I can literally check "hold a baby goat" off my bucket list because I got to hold THREE! That's right people! Three in one week! That's what dreams are made of. They're so soft and fluffy with gangly legs and they gave me milky kisses on my cheeks and oh goodness I was in heaven!
Alright! Now for the crazy~ish stuff (I actually don't believe there's ever even a semi-normal day here). The other day I said "boa tarde" to a random rapaz and we started talking. My companion and I asked him what his biggest dream in life was and he said "follow Christ" and we were like "oh yeah we can help you with that". At first we thought he said that just because we're sister missionaries (We're like celebs here. Everywhere we walk we hear people yelling, "Sisters! Sisters! Come teach us!" and it's kinda absolutely insane). Anyway, we went to his house and, first off, he has two older siblings with disabilities and they were slapping our arms and trying to hug us and steal our stuff, and then there were chickens were running over our feet, and then we finally sat down in his house (he has the SWEETEST little baby daughter). Then when we started teaching his crazy Adventista (that's a church here) mother came out and was shouting, inches from my face, something about everyone being sinners and a lot about the blood of Jesus and I was just trying really hard not to wipe the spittle off my face and that lasted for about 40 minutes, but we squeezed in a tiny lesson with him and it looks like he's gonna get baptized in a few weeks! He's definitely ready!!!
Well that was all great except it made us late for our baptism with a rapaz named Xote. He doesn't understand any Portuguese and has the attention span of a 7 year old (actually that's pretty much everyone here in Relva) but we brought over activities for him to learn and his whole family is full of really strong members, so that's my Xote! He was beaming! Even though he was basically tossed into the two feet of dirty water that was prepared for him. Yay!
Right now we are absolutely going crazy with how many investigators we have and the less-actives we need to take care of. We have to end our lunch way early sometimes just because we don't have enough time for even half of the people we have. Especially cause so much of that time is taken hiking around the volcano which, I'm not kidding you, that little village is built on a vertical incline. I swear. My comp and I have mused that tha'ts why they've never had sisters in Relva because it's just so hard on you. I just about die every night, BUT, the Lord is with me! And I know that because if He wasn't, I would already be dead by now or be back home in California. I know that with faith in him, tudo é posível!

Random village close to Mosteiros

The little meninos just love us


Check out her arms! yeah. Everyone here is crazy buff, even the old ladies

Baptismal font!


First, observe the steepness. Now, observe old man with cane. That's Relva for you

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